Jalore Rajasthan

 In Rajasthan’s South West Jalore is situated where Jal tree was founded in huge quantity.  This was the sacred groove of sage Jabali.  From defence point of view it was invincible.  Historians believe that in vedic ages among the nine sons of Manu his fourth son established his kingdom here that came to be known as Anart.  According to Dhundumara Ayodhya’s Ikshvashu king Kuvlasav defeated the local residents and brought under his control.  There after Druh &Yadavas ruled here that remained till battle of Mahabharat.
Jalore is referred as a prosperous town mentioned in Kuvalyasava written in 8th Century.  There were many temples and forts here.  Then it was ruled by Prathiar king Vatsaraj.  After Prathiars, parmar ruled here and remained till 12 th century.  It is said that towards the end of 10th century Malwa’s parmar ruler Mung captured Jalore and by 1117 A.D. visal parmar ruled here.  The ancestors of visal were Dharavarsh, Vijjal Aparajit, Devraj Chandan and Vakpatiraj etc.
After Visal in 1664 A.D. Chalukya king Naresh Kumar Pal was enshrined.  But there was animosity between Chalukyas’ of Gujarat and chouhan of Ajmer.  That’s why chouhan King Vigraharaj IV while expanding his kingdom drawn Chalukyas out and Jalore became a part of chouhan kingdom.
In Jalore District Poet Magh’s birth place Bhinmal was also an important place of studies while Sundha Mata is naturally and religious unique place.  Sevda’s Shiv temple is famous for its historical importance.  District’s historical, religious and pilgrim temple are following-


Pride & Prestige of Jalore is its fort that sings its own story of valor & strength.  This fort is a property of State Government’s archeological department and a protected building since 1956.  To go to Jalore fort one has to go through zig-zag roads of mid of town.
It is situated in south of Jalore 1200 feet over the mountains.A zig zag way leads to the fort upon the mountain where on each step the height goes on increasing.  The first gate comes while climbing upward called Suraj Pole.  Arch of this gate is of immense beauty.  Here there are made small  rooms where the security guards used to stay.  To refrain from artillery firing a huge wall surrounds the gate from front.

This wall is around 25 feet high and 15 feet in width.  After it walking for another half a mile second gate known as Dhruv Pole comes.  This obstacle was also peculiar from defense point of view.  Without winning this post , entry into the fort was negligible
Third gate is called Chand Pole which is more grand, strong and beautiful from others.  From here onwards the rampart that runs along the way on both sides is divided into many parts and conceals within it rounded surface of mountain and then expands.  The place between third & fourth gates, Fourth gate is called Sire Pole. One part of the rampart before reaching there takes a left turn upwards and touches the highest part of the mountain and the second rampart moves towards right sick and while encircling mountain peals around it meets the first boundary.

 The length of the fort is ¾ Km. and breadth is half a Kilo Meter.  Presently there is palace of king Mansingh, two water reservoirs, one Shiv Temple, temple of goddesses Jogmaya, station of Viram Dev, three Jain temples shrine of Mallik Shah and One Mosque.

Among temples the temple of Parshavnath is the grandest of all.  The idols sculpted on the walls in the back side of temple attracts visiters the most.

Moving from the four faced Jain Temple to the palace of Mansingh, one pillar of Parmar dynasty stands reserved on a small platform.  Probably this is the only memorial of Parmars.  The human height red stone’s pillar instantly speaks out the beauty of its artistic sculpting.  Before many decades this pillar was found while cleaning a water reservoir that was situated here.

While entering the palace of Man Singh one big square meeting hall comes, whose right side is a hall.  In this hall there is one broken and one big artillery machine is placed.  Some artilleries could be found here and there in fort’s compound.  Just down of Mansingh Palace towards general way are casements on height are good example of rock out.  Two storyed queen palace is also there is this Palace.In  its courtyard is one underground reservoir that is now not open for general public.  In palace are found big storage houses that were used for storing foodgrains, Ghee etc. Behind the palace is the read to Shiv Temple.  There is located one big ShivLing of white marble.  From the backside of the temple the way leads towards water reservoir where there is a temple of goddesses Chamunda built.  In this temple is found a inscription on which it is mentioned that war encircled king KanherDev was given magical sword by goddesses Bhagwati here.
The post of Viram Dev is situated on the highest of the mountain’s South East.  From here scenes could be seen afar.  The flag of Jalore was being flown here.  A newly built mosque is nearby this post presently.  During Independence struggle freedom fighters like Ganeshlal Vyas,Mathuradas Mathur,Fatehraj Joshi and Tulsidas Rathi were imprisoned here by Britishers 


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